Trans-purchase Intention in Transmedia Storytelling

Thi Le Huyen Nguyen, Jovi Sulistiawan, Alireza Ajdari

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

5 Citations (Scopus)


Purpose:This studyexamines the impact ofcustomer satisfaction on consumption intention for content in another medium. Moreover, the mediating role of customers' word of mouth in the relationship between customersatisfaction of a media and purchase intention of the same content in another mediais tested.Design/methodology/approach: The author uses Structural Equation Modeling to investigate the hypotheses and use bootstrapping method to examine the mediating role of word of mouth Findings: Our results demonstrate the positive relationships among customer satisfaction, word of mouth, and purchase intention. Furthermore, word of mouth partially mediates the relationship between customer satisfaction and their trans-purchase intention Originality/value: In the present day, there are many film studios try to gain and attract audiences to watch their movies and try to find many ways to maintain the existed audiences by using many platforms to promote their new movies and the audiences can be easy to find the trailer or the teaser from the television, internet (Youtube). Therefore, transmedia storytelling was considered in the case of reducing the financial risk in several ways. The author uses Mat Biec movie/novel to examine customers who have had a consumption of the same content in different media in this study Research limitations: transmedia storytelling in this study is limited to the case of novels and movies Practical implications: It is meaningful for producers to implement a transmedia storytelling strategy.

Original languageEnglish
JournalAdvances in Decision Sciences
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jun 2022


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