The Satisfaction of Covid-19 patients Self-home Care with Telepharmacy Services

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2 Citations (Scopus)


Background: The impact of Covid-19 pandemic makes the hospital innovate using technology services, one of which was telepharmacy. Telepharmacy has the potential to improve Covid-19 outpatient through the use of telecommunications with self-home care patient. In July 2021, 120 patients received telepharmacy services with teleconsultation with pulmonologist, pediatrist, internist, otorhinolaryngologist, neurologist, psychiatrist and general practioners. In August 2021, telepharmacy patients were reduced to 39 patients, and in September 2021, telepharmacy patients were reduced to 11 patients. Objectives: Evaluating outpatients with telepharmacy services by measuring satisfaction patients. Methods: This program integrated with interprofessional doctor, pharmacy, nurse, driver and customer care unit. The satisfaction of patient depends on the multiprofessional services. This research to evaluate the satisfaction Covid-19 outpatients with received telepharmacy services. Desain study were descriptive, non-experimental and study cross-sectional. Data collected 3 months dan the samples were 170 patients with patient surveys to evaluate patient satisfaction. Results: 170 patients received telepharmacy ranged in age from 5-70 years, consisting of 93 women (54.7%) and 77 men (45.3%) with 76,5% satisfaction with telepharmacy services. Patients reported telepharmacy services from pulmonologist by 61.7%, internist 8.2%, otorhinolaryngologist 1.2%, pediatrist 23.5%, neurologist 0.5%, psychiatrist 0.5% and general practitioner from medical check-up by 4.1%. Conclusions: The satisfaction of self-home care telepharmacy patients overall reached 76.5%, and the patient felt dissatisfied were 23.5%. The decrease of patients in August and September 2021 because the telepharmacy services has not been maximized services and needs improvement. The hospital can improve the quality of telepharmacy services to increase patient satisfaction and visit telepharmacy patients.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)5583-5588
Number of pages6
JournalResearch Journal of Pharmacy and Technology
Issue number12
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2022


  • Covid-19
  • Satisfaction patient
  • Telepharmacy


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