The Precede-proceed Model Implementation in Preventive Oral Health Programs for School-aged Children: A Scoping Review

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

2 Citations (Scopus)


The results of the Indonesian National Basic Health Research (RISKESDAS) in 2018 showed that the proportion of oral disease reached 54% between the 5 and 9-year age group and 41.4% between the 10 and 14-year age group. The possible cause of the problem is that the health programs need to be improved and run more effectively. Based on L.Blum's theory, health programs is considered as a primary factors that influence health. The precede-proceed model (PPM) is one of the planning models to create and assess health programs. This scoping review aims to summarize the scientific literature regarding the implementation of PPM applied to preventive oral health programs for school-aged children. A systematic search in the PubMed and ProQuest databases was conducted to identify relevant studies. The keywords used were oral health, dental health, preventive, schoolchildren, and precede planning model. The initial searched identified 43 articles, 4 articles were selected as they fulfilled inclusion criteria. Three studies applied 8 phases of the PPM, meanwhile, only one study used 4 phases. Most of the studies revealed that oral health programs-based on the PPM significantly improved oral health-related behaviour, which involves children, parents, teachers, and school.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)423-428
Number of pages6
JournalJournal of International Dental and Medical Research
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2023


  • Oral health programs
  • precede-proceed model
  • school-aged children


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