The potency of formalin in atenuation of pathogenicity in eimeria tenella at the caecum of broiler chicken

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Background: Coccidiosis is a parasitic disease that disrupts digestive tract, especially in caecum. It causes a lot of harm to chicken farms. Formalin, can be a new invention as an alternative for Eimeria tanella protozoa attenuation in vaccines. Aim: To determine formalin effect and optimum concentration for formalin attenuation of pathogenicity to cecum lesions inoculated score in boiler chickens. Method: This study was an experimental study using completely randomized design (CRD) with five treatments. Treatment variation is formaldehyde with a concentration of 0%, 0.15%, 0.3%, 0.6%, 1.2% Results: Results of the study showed that formalin with different concentrations resulted in a significant decrease. Decreasing microscopic cecum lesions inoculated score in boiler chickens in each treatment 0%, 0.15%, 0.3%, 0.6% and 1.2% were 10.32; 9.86; 7.00; 5,14; 4.98 respectively. The largest decrease in lesion score was at 1.2%. Conclusion: Formalin with 1.2% concentration could reduce cecum lesions inoculated score in boiler chickens.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1472-1477
Number of pages6
JournalIndian Journal of Public Health Research and Development
Issue number9
Publication statusPublished - Sept 2019


  • Attenuation
  • Caecum of boiler chicken
  • E. tenella
  • Formalin


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