2 Citations (Scopus)


Cancer prevalence is increasing nowadays. In Indonesia, cancer prevalence reaches1.4% out of 1,000 people. Cancer is mainly caused by two factors; genetic and environment, including a carcinogenic agent known as benzopyrene. Physical exercises can decrease the levels of blood glucose and fatty acid within the blood; can increase expression of Bax and caspase-3; but its effect on GADD45 and wild p53 expression, is still unknown. This study aimed to determine the expressions of GADD45 and wild p53 resulting from moderate swimming exercise on Mus musculus injected by benzopyrene. 18 mice were divided into three study groups; control group 1 (K1) which was not treated with any physical exercise and benzopyrene; control group 2 (K2) which was not treated with any physical exercise but induced with 0.08 mg of benzopyrene; and treated group (K3) which wastreated with physical exercise in moderate intensity and induced with 0.08 mg of benzopyrene. The buccal mucosa tissue samples were taken and stained for immunohistochemistry to be further examined under a light microscope at 400x magnification with 10 different angles. Result: There was no difference inGADD45 expression between the K1, K2, and K3 groups (p = 0.611), with a significant difference of wild p53 expression (p = 0.000). Moderate swimming exercise has no effect on GADD45 expression, but could increase wild p53 expression on Mus musculus injected by benzopyrene.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)964-968
Number of pages5
JournalJournal of International Dental and Medical Research
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 2019


  • Epithelial cells
  • Exercise
  • Squamous cel,. DNA damage P53


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