
Chronic hyperglicemia in Diabetes Mellitus caused microangiopathy in salivary gland. Human Dental Pulp Stem Cells (HDPSCs) suspected can regenerate the defect. The aim of this study was to analyze the efficacy of HDPSCs in stimulating angiogenesis, acinar cell numbers and Transforming Growth Factor-β (TGF-β) serum to regenerate submandibular gland defects in diabetic Wistar rats. Twenty-four male Wistar (250-350 g) rats 3-months-old were used. Rats were divided into 4 groups (n=6 each: a positive control group on Day 7 (DM) (C+7), a positive control group on Day 14 (DM) (C+14), a treatment group on Day 7 (DM+5.105 HDPSCs transplantation intraglandular) (T7) and a treatment group on Day 14 (DM+5.105 HDPSCs transplantation intraglandular) (T14). Wistar Rats were administered with 30 mg of Streptozotocin per kg of bodyweight to induce Diabetes Mellitus (DM). Histopathological examination with HE staining was performed to analyse neovascularization and acinar cell numbers. ELISA was performed to measure TGF-β serum. Statistical analysis used: A Tukey HSD or Bonferroni test after ANOVA or Kruskal Wallis test was performed (p<0.05) based on a Saphiro Wilk and Levene’s test (p>0.05). The highest acinar cell number was found in the T7 group [513.167±136.17] with no significant difference [p=0.136, p<0.05]. The highest capillaries were found in T14 [10.667±4.54] and TGF-β serum level [168.87±37.38] with significant difference [p=0.006; p<0.05] and [p=0.008, p<0.05]. HDPSCs can regenerate submandibular gland defects in Diabetic Wistar rats by stimulating angiogenesis, acinar cells number and TGF – β serum.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1573-1579
Number of pages7
JournalResearch Journal of Pharmacy and Technology
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 2019


  • Acinar cells
  • Angiogenesis
  • Diabetes mellitus
  • Human dental pulp stem cells
  • Submandibular gland defect
  • Transforming growth factor-β


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