The Effectiveness of Combination of Seaweed (Gracillaria sp.), Blood Clamp (Anadara granosa), and Zeolite as Biofilter in the Reduction of Heavy Metal Copper (Cu)

I. Achmadi, B. Setya, A. A. Ahadi

Research output: Contribution to journalConference articlepeer-review

3 Citations (Scopus)


The heavy metal Cu is an essential one, the one required to push enzyme activity during body metabolism. The metal Cu has the tendency to be toxic when its presence exceeds the threshold value. An aquatic environment contaminated with the metal potentially affects its surrounding. This study aims to find out the effectiveness of heavy metal Cu's reduction by using biofilter combination of seaweed (Gracillaria s.p.), blood clamp (Anadara granosa), and zeolite. This study used biofilter combination of seaweed (Gracillaria sp.) and blood clamp (Anadara granosa) at different concentration for each treatment. The result of this study shows that the proper use of biofilter combination can reduce the content of heavy metal Cu. The content of the heavy metal Cu went from 1 mg/L initially to 0.119 mg/L, with the best combination composition found in P4.

Original languageEnglish
Article number012058
JournalIOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 1 Mar 2019
Event1st International Conference on Fisheries and Marine Science, InCoFiMS 2018 - East Java, Indonesia
Duration: 6 Oct 2018 → …


  • Anadara granosa
  • Biofilter combination
  • Gracillaria sp.
  • Heavy metal Cu
  • Zeolite


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