The Effect of Parents' Socioeconomic Factors on Their Willingness to Take Care of Their Children’s Oral Health in Early Childhood

Dyah Nawang Palupi Pratamawari, Dewi Atikasari, Taufan Bramantoro

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

6 Citations (Scopus)


In Indonesia, 81.5% of children in their early childhood suffer from dental caries as infectious disease. Early childhood caries (ECC) is influenced by both internal factors i.e., host, substrate, and environment, and external factors i.e., socioeconomic condition of their parents. Objectives to analyze socioeconomic factors i.e., education level, income level, and parental occupation towards parents’ willingness to take care of child’s oral of in early childhood. This study used a literature review method. Articles were obtained from Google Scholar and PUBMED database from the publication period of 2011-2021. As many as 7,621 journals were retrieved, but only 11 journals matched the inclusion criteria. In this study, it was found that parents’ socioeconomic status significantly affected child’s oral health. Parents’ education level was linked to the use of children’s dental services. Parents with lower oral health knowledge showed unhealthy behavior and were less interested in maintaining their child's dental health. The socioeconomic factors related to parents’ willingness to check child’s oral care include education level, followed by income level and occupation.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)845-849
Number of pages5
JournalJournal of International Dental and Medical Research
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 2022


  • Dental care
  • Early childhood caries
  • Infectious disease
  • Socioeconomic factor


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