The Effect of Demineralization Stage of Agar's Solid Waste on the Characterization of Activated Carbon

R. Febrianto, Sudarno, R. Kusdarwati

Research output: Contribution to journalConference articlepeer-review


Agar's solid waste contains quite high amount of crude fiber at 38.05%, so it can be used as activated carbon. Activated carbon is carbon whose configuration of carbon atoms is freed from bonding with other elements. The effectiveness of activated carbon as an adsorbent is seen from the ash content. High level of ash in a material can reduce the ability of activated carbon in the adsorption process, making it undesirable in the manufacture of activated charcoal. Demineralization using HCl solution can affect the decrease in ash content. This study used the experimental method of pre-post test and the analysis was carried out using the associated T-Test (paired T-Test). Pre-test was conducted using 0% HCl or without demineralization and Post-test was conducted using 5% HCl. Study results show that there is no effect on the characteristics of ash content, volatile substances, pure activated carbon, yield and there is effect on water content. It indicates that demineralization process using 5% HCl on the yet optimum material does not have tangible impact on the resulted ash content and characteristics of activated carbon.

Original languageEnglish
Article number012033
JournalIOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 1 Mar 2019
Event1st International Conference on Fisheries and Marine Science, InCoFiMS 2018 - East Java, Indonesia
Duration: 6 Oct 2018 → …


  • Activated carbon
  • Agary solid waste
  • Characterization
  • Demineralization


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