The Effect of a Combination of Oxytocin Massage and Music Therapy on Breast Milk Production and Breastfeeding Self Efficacy in Primipara Post Partum Mothers

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Introduction: The low coverage of exclusive breastfeeding is a picture of the failure of breastfeeding. Factors that influence mothers not to breastfeed infants include stress, uncertainty, or lack of confidence in the mother, which can interfere with exclusive breastfeeding and cause inadequate production. This study aimed to determine the effects of a combination of oxytocin massages and music therapies on breastfeeding and lactating infertility on the mothers of the post primipara. Methods: research design uses a quasy experiment with pre-post test design. The research population was the mother primipara post mortem in the Surabaya workstation, Surabaya. The sample used was 80 respondents, divided into 2 groups: 40 intervention groups and 40 control groups with a sampling. An independent variable is a combination of oxytocin massage and music therapy. The dependent variable is the production of breast milk and self-feeding efficacy. The instruments used were the breast-feeding questionnaire and its lactation of self-feeding that had been tested for its validity and credibility. Research data was analyzed with wilcoxon signed rank test and mann withney test. Results: Studies indicate that a combination of oxytocin massage and music therapies in milk production (p=0.000) and self-nursing efficacy (p=0.000) affect treatment groups. There is a significant difference between the treatment and control groups in breast production (p = 0,000) and self-nursing efficacy (p=0.000). Conclusion: The effects of a combination of oxytocin massage and music therapy effectively increase breast milk production and self-nursing efficacy.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)49-56
Number of pages8
JournalPediomaternal Nursing Journal
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - Mar 2020


  • breast milk production
  • breastfeeding self efficacy
  • music therapy
  • oxytocin massage


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