The development of an islamic nursing care model to improve patient satisfaction

Iwan Ardian, Nursalam Nursalam, Ahsan Ahsan, Nutrisia Nu’Im Haiya, Intan Rismatul Azizah

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Introduction: Nurses are the determinants of patient satisfaction because the majority of actions involve nurses and provide holistic nursing care consisting of spirituality. Spirituality is an important key because it is one of the strong factors in assisting healing and recovery of the patient himself. Spirituality can be fulfilled through Islamic nursing care. This study aimed to the development of an Islamic nursing care model to improve patient satisfaction. Methods: Cross-sectional design random sampling technique on 134 respondents, consisting of patients and nurses in the surgical inpatient room, internal medicine inpatient room, and postpartum and gynecology inpatient rooms, using simple random techniques. The variables of this study were the nursing factors, Islamic nursing care, and patient satisfaction and were collected using questionnaire. The data were collected using questionnaire in December 2021 at Islamic Hospital, Indonesia, and processed using a Smart Partial Least Squares (SmartPLS) analysis and Sommers' correlation test. Results: The Sommers' test results show significant relationship between nursing factor (nurse knowledge, nurse’s attitude, nurse competence, nurse personality) and patient satisfaction; nurse knowledge (p=0.000); nurse attitude (p=0.000); nurse competence (p=0.000); nurse personality (p=0.000; α<0.05). SmartPLS test results show the nurse factor with Islamic nursing care has a strong significant influence (p value 0.000; β value 0.539; t value> 1.96). Then for Islamic nursing care with patient satisfaction, it has a very strong significant effect (p value 0.000; β value 0.753; t value> 1.96). Conclusions: Islamic nursing care as a mediator of nurse factors with patient satisfaction can be described in this study model because Islamic nursing care is a real form of care by nurses that is felt by the patient and the application of Islamic values so that the form of nursing care makes patients feel satisfied. This model is a new breakthrough for the world of nursing and hospitals in improving the quality of nursing care.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)3-12
Number of pages10
JournalJurnal Ners
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - Feb 2024


  • islamic nursing care
  • model
  • nurse
  • patient satisfaction
  • spiritual


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