The Correlation between leucocyte CD64, Immature Granulocyte and Presepsin with Procalcitonin in Bacterial Sepsis Patient

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3 Citations (Scopus)


Background: Sepsis is a critical emergency that causes morbidity and mortality worldwide. The latest sepsis diagnosis is made by using quick Sepsis-Related Organ Failure Assessment (qSOFA). Cluster of Differentiation 64 (CD64) is a surface antigen leukocyte that is deregulated during infection and sepsis. The percentage of immature granulocyte (IG) could rise in patients with infection and sepsis, mainly in severe circumstances. Procalcitonin (PCT) is a calcitonin prohormone that increases in sepsis and is already known as a bacterial infection marker. Presepsin (CD14) is a glycoprotein that is known to increase in bacterial infection. This study aimed to determine the correlation of leucocyte CD64, IG, and presepsin with PCT in bacterial sepsis patients. Method: This cross-sectional study was performed from June to September 2018 at Dr. Soetomo General Academic Hospital. Twenty-five patients who met the qSOFA criteria with positive bacterial blood cultures were included. All samples underwent examinations of leucocyte CD64, IG, presepsin, and PCT. The correlation of leucocyte CD64, IG and presepsin with PCT was analyzed using Spearman correlation. Results: The samples comprised 17 males (68.0%) and 8 females (32.0%). The mean age was 51.24 ± 14.85 years. The mean ± SD of leucocyte CD64 was 6.95 ± 2.13%, the median (min-max) of IG, presepsin and PCT was 3.67 (0.33–17.33)%, 2,641(487-20,000) pg/mL and 5.96 (0.39–181.5) ng/mL respectively. There was no correlation between leucocyte CD64 with PCT (p = 0.281). There was a significant correlation between IG and presepsin with PCT (p < 0.0001). Conclusions: Presepsin and IG can be used as alternative bacterial sepsis markers that are supported by other examinations. leucocyte CD64 still needs to be studied further before it can be used as a bacterial sepsis marker.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)327-332
Number of pages6
JournalBali Medical Journal
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 1 Aug 2019


  • Bacterial sepsis
  • immature granulocyte
  • leucocyte CD64
  • presepsin
  • procalcitonin


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