The comparison of laplacianfaces qr decomposition and linear discriminant analysis qr decomposition algorithm for face recognition system on orthogonal subspace

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Development of an optimal face recognition system will greatly depend on the characteristics of the selection process are as a basis to pattern recognition. In the characteristic selection process, there are 2 aspects that will be of mutual influence such the reduction of the amount of data used in the classification aspects and increasing discrimination ability aspects. Linear Discriminat Analysis method helps presenting the global structure while Laplacianfaces method is one method that is based on appearance (appearance-based method) in face recognition, in which the local manifold structure presented in the adjacency graph mapped from the training data points. Linear Discriminant Analysis QR decomposition has a computationally low cost because it has small dimensions so that the efficiency and scalability are very high when compared with algorithms of other Linear Discriminant Analysis methods. Laplacianfaces QR decomposition was a algorithm to obtain highly speed and accuracy, and tiny space to keep data on the face recognition. This algorithm consists of 2 stages. The first stage maximizes the distance of between-class scatter matrices by using QR decomposition and the second stage to minimize the distance of within-class scatter matrices. Therefore, it is obtained an optimal discriminant in the data. In this research, classification using the Euclidean distance method. In these experiments using face databases of the Olivetti-Att-ORL, Bern and Yale. The minimum error was achieved with the Laplacianfaces QR decomposition and Linear Discriminant Analysis QR decomposition are 5.88% and 9.08% respectively.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)43-47
Number of pages5
JournalJurnal Teknologi (Sciences and Engineering)
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 1 Nov 2014


  • Classification
  • Dimension reduction
  • Laplacianfaces
  • Linear Discriminant Analysis
  • QR decomposition


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