The characterization of edible coating from tilapia surimi as a biodegradable packaging

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2 Citations (Scopus)


One of the problems that often arise in the fisheries sector is maintaining the quality. In the room temperature, the fish more quickly enter the phase of rigor mortis and lasted shorter. The retention of fresh fish can be extended by adding antibacterial compounds in the form of synthetic chemicals or natural ingredients. One of the safe natural ingredients used to extend the freshness of the fish is the edible coating. Edible coatings may be composed of hydrocolloid, lipids and composites. In the food industry surimi can be used as an ingredient to make edible packaging or better known in the form of edible film and protein-based edible coating. Edible film and potential coatings are used as packaging materials as they may affect food quality, food safety, and shelf life. Protein-based edible film have superior inhibitory and mechanical properties compared to polysaccharide-based ones. This is because protein contains 20 different amino acids and has most special characteristics that produce functional characteristics when compared with polysaccharides used as an ingredient in edible film and coating making most homopolymers.

Original languageEnglish
Article number012071
JournalIOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 13 Apr 2018
Event7th ASEAN-FEN International Fisheries Symposium, IFS 2017 - Batu City, East Java, Indonesia
Duration: 7 Nov 20179 Nov 2017


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