Sperm quality and testicular structure of musmusculus after garcinia mangostana L. Pericarp extract administration in different polarity

Alfiah Hayati, Ernawati, M. Adhy Iswanto, Nuril Maulidyah, Elmi Irmayanti Azzahra, Fadilatur Rahmaniyah, M. Hilman, Sugiharto, Dwi Winarni

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

1 Citation (Scopus)


This study was aimed to compare the effect of various doses of Garcinia mangostanapericxp extract using different solvent polarity on mice sperm quality and testicular structure after being exposed to 2- Methoxyethanol. As much as thirty-Two mice of BALB/C strain divided into 8 groups (n=4/group); two control groups (negative and positive) and six treatment groups given varipus extract polarities (nonpolar, semipolar, and polar) anddoses. All treatment was subcutaneously injected daily for 40 days (2-ME for 5 days and Garcinwextract for 35 days). The result showed that Garcinia mangostana pericarp extract on various solvent polarities and doses were able to significaitly decreased DNA fragmentation compared to that of positive control group. Other sperm qualities and testosterone level on mice given 0.4 mg/kg of polar extract was found to be higher than the other treatment group. In negative control group, the structureand size of testicle appeared to be thicker. Lumen was also filled with sperm compared to treatment groups. It can be concluded that the administration of polar solvent extract of Garcinia mangostana pericarp at low dose (0.4 mg/Kg) was able to repair decreasing mice sperm quality and testicle structure after 2-ME exposure.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)64-78
Number of pages15
JournalJournal of Advanced Zoology
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - Jun 2017


  • 2-methoxyethanol
  • DNA fragmentation
  • Garcinia mangostana
  • Sperm quality
  • Testicular structure


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