SITRUST app: Detecting TB cases and increasing RMT utilization in the healthcare facilities in East Java

Satiti Palupi, Zaimah, Siti Murtini, M. Atoillah

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

2 Citations (Scopus)


Rapid Molecular Test (RMT) is a revolutionary test for detecting TB cases in developing countries. However, RMT has not been utilized optimally in developing countries. For example, in East Java, 80% of healthcare is expected to utilize RMT in order to diagnose TB cases, yet only 28% of healthcare facilities utilize it. Most healthcare facilities prefer to use microscopic approach to diagnose TB cases in their areas. Some challenges remain, such as complex referring system, time consuming, and use paper based recording system. In regards to address these challenges, SITURST Application was developed to also improve the accuracy as well as the effectiveness of detecting TB cases. SITRUST App is a system that support healthcare facilities in delivering TB specimen to have tested in other healthcare facilities that have Xpert Test. The Ministry of Health has been piloted SITURST App in 10 provinces in Indonesia, including five districts in East Java. A qualitative approach was implemented in order to understand the key factors that influence RMT utilization after SITRUST App was being introduced to several healthcare facilities in East Java, Indonesia. The results show that SITRUST App has several advantages compare with the previous test, such as easy and rapid which encourage healthcare facilities to utilize RMT.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)453-458
Number of pages6
JournalIndian Journal of Public Health Research and Development
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - Mar 2019


  • RMT utilization
  • Sample reference test


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