
Background: Shunt fracture is a ventriculoperitoneal (VP) complication requiring shunt revision. The author discusses the experience of treating 5 cases of hydrocephalus patients with shunt fracture, including a clinical manifestation, nutritional status, and age of VP shunt insertion as a risk factor of shunt fracture will be discussed further in this case series report. Case Presentation: This study analyzed all cases treated in 6 years from 2016 to 2021, with an inclusion criterion of all pediatric patients with shunt fractures. This study is a retrospective report of the clinical manifestations and diagnoses assessed for pre-procedural and post-procedural conditions. Eight hundred fifty-two patients with hydrocephalus with VP shunt insertion and 5 patients with shunt fracture were reported. Headache, lump in the shunt line, vomiting, and seizure were the main complaints of all patients. Four of the five patients had poor nutritional status (<50th and <3rd percentile). One patient had a shunt removal, two had a shunt revision, and two had a laparoscopic shunt extraction and VP shunt insertion. All patients had improved clinical outcomes. Conclusion: Knowing the process of shunt fracture is essential as a modality to determine the subsequent management. A comprehensive clinical and radiological examination is mandatory to rule out a shunt fracture. Monitoring patients with VP shunt is an important thing that must be done to prevent further complications.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)2160-2164
Number of pages5
JournalBali Medical Journal
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 1 Aug 2023


  • Hydrocephalus
  • Shunt Complication
  • Shunt Fracture
  • VP Shunt


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