Report on Participation at the 8th East Asia and Contemporary Japanese-Language Literature Forum, Online International Conference in 2020

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There are two important things that I have felt during my participation in this online conference. The first thing is a unique and interesting experience when conducting scientific meetings and discussions on Japanese literature through the help of online technology. The second thing is, as a representative of the Association of Japanese literary studies that was recently established in Indonesia, I feel warm welcome in this forum. Moreover, the best thing is I have got a lot of positive energy from all of the researchers of Japanese literary studies. I will transfer this energy to all the Indonesian people in order to love Japanese literature from today to the next days. Like most other countries outside Japan, the younger generation in Indonesia gets to know Japan more through popular culture, such as animation, cosplay, and manga. I think this is a good opportunity to introduce Japanese literature “lightly” at the first. And then, if they begin to show a high level of interest, we can invite them to read some Japanese novels in translation works. I believe in this way Japanese literature will be more and more loved by many people in the world.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)261-262
Number of pages2
JournalBorder Crossings
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jun 2021


  • East Asia
  • Indonesia
  • Japanese Literature
  • Online
  • Study


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