
Aim: This study aimed to develop equations to predict daily milk production (DMP) based on linear body and udder morphometry of Holstein Friesian (HF) dairy cows. Materials and Methods: The experiment was conducted on 174 lactating HF dairy cows reared by farmers at different locations under similar conditions. The age, parity, and body condition score of experimental animals were limited to 0.25 of the standard deviation value above or below the average. The average DMP was based on farmers' records. Morphometry components, i.e., body length (BL); chest circumference (CC); front udder height (FUH), rear udder height (RUH); and udder circumference (UC) were directly measured using a tape; meanwhile, body weight (BW) was estimated using the Indonesia Winter formula. The relationship variables of morphometry components (body and udder morphometry) and BW on DMP were analyzed by regression. Results: The result showed no correlation (p>0.05) between CC and BW on DMP. Meanwhile, DMP obtained linear regression (p<0.05) with the mathematical equation: 1.30+0.11BL; 13.90+0.41FUH; 11.02+0.18RUH; and 3.87+0.16UC Conclusion: This study shows that the DMP of dairy cows could be predicted based on their BL and udder morphometry.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)471-477
Number of pages7
JournalVeterinary World
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 1 Mar 2020


  • Body length
  • Front udder height
  • Milk production
  • Rear udder height
  • Udder circumference


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