Porosity structure of green polybag of medium density fiberboard from seaweed waste

M. A. Alamsjah, S. Subekti, M. Lamid, D. Y. Pujiastuti, H. Kurnia, R. R. Rifadi

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4 Citations (Scopus)


The last decade shown that the needs Medium Density Fibreboard (MDF) rapidly growing in Asia Pacific and Europe up to more 15 % per year. MDF made up of fibers lignoselulosa which combined with synthetic resin or tied other suitable but high temperatures and pressure. Technology engineering for green polybag of MDF from seaweed waste of Kappaphycus alvarezii and Gracilaria verrucosa is an alternative effort for ecosystem stability and technological innovations that is environmentally friendly. Structure porosity from the shape of green polybag shows that performance seaweed waste of K. alvarezii is better than seaweed waste of G. verrucosa. The circulation of water happened more optimal in green polybag formed from MDF of seaweed waste of K. alvarezii with size porosity 3.976 μm, while size porosity of seaweed waste of G. verrucosa measurable 4.794 μm. Structure of green polybag of MDF from seaweed waste showed that C components greater 50 % to K. alvarezii while C components less than 50 % to G. verrucosa. This resulted in the ties to structure of MDF stronger found in green polybag derived from seaweed waste of K. alvarezii than G. verrucosa.

Original languageEnglish
Article number012084
JournalIOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 13 Apr 2018
Event7th ASEAN-FEN International Fisheries Symposium, IFS 2017 - Batu City, East Java, Indonesia
Duration: 7 Nov 20179 Nov 2017


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