Physical activity, exercise habits, and body mass index of adults

Ratna Candra Dewi, Bambang Wirjatmadi

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Introduction: The risk of degenerative diseases begins to appear in adulthood. Physical activity and exercise habits prevent the incidence of obesity which is a risk factor for degenerative dis-eases’ emergence. Therefore, this study aims to examine the relationship between physical activity, exercise habits, body mass index, and fat mass percentage. Design and Methods: This study used an analytic observational cross-sectional design and 32 office workers in Surabaya aged 28-56 years were selected by simple random sampling tech-nique. The data collected included measurements of physical activity, exercise habits, anthropometry, and body composition, which were analyzed using Spearman’s rank correlation test. Results: The results showed that 46.9% of participants had moderate activity, 43.8% exercised 1-2x a week, 56.3% exercised for 20-60 minutes, 56.30% had a low exercise intensity, 62.50% had an overweight body mass index, and 71.9% had overfat mass percentage. Spearman’s rank test showed a significant relationship between energy intake, physical activity, exercise frequency, duration and intensity, and body mass index as well as between energy intake, physical activity, exercise intensity, and body fat percent-age. Conclusions: Increased physical activity and exercise habits were associated with decreased BMI and body fat percentage.

Original languageEnglish
Article number11197
JournalHealthcare in Low-Resource Settings
Issue numberS1
Publication statusPublished - 2023


  • Body Mass Index
  • Physical activity
  • body fat percentage
  • exercise habits


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