Patients' Perceptions of Multi Drug Resistant Tuberculosis Outpatient in Healthcare Services: A Qualitative Study

Lailatun Nimah, Rr Dian Tristiana, Nursalam Nursalam, Laily Hidayati, R. Endro Sulistyono, Kittisak Kumpeera

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Introduction: Assuring the quality of Multidrug Resistant Tuberculosis (MDR-TB) care is important for a better treatment outcome. Indonesia is one of the countries with the highest MDR-TB cases in the world, thus it becomes an unresolved issue in Indonesia. This study aimed to gain insight of the MDR-TB patients perceptions about the out-patient healthcare services in a public healthcare facility in Surabaya. Methods: This study used qualitative phenomenological approach. This study was conducted in a hospital in Surabaya. Fifteen MDR-TB patients were recruited by purposive sampling and were interviewed semi-structurally and audiotaped. The research data were further analyzed using thematic analysis. Research data from the participants were conveyed word by word, collected, defined, coded, and arranged into each theme. The process of collecting the research data was done by developing codes and themes. Results: Topics generated were Interaction of Provider-Patient, Lack of Human resources, and Inadequate Hospital Facilities. Conclusion: Patients' satisfaction of healthcare services also an important factor in long-term care of MDR-TB patients. Healthcare services can be improved by involving both healthcare worker resource and facilities. In addition, the role of health workers in understanding the problems experienced by MDR-TB patients is also needed in order to increase their satisfaction while providing the services.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)9-15
Number of pages7
JournalMalaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences
Publication statusPublished - May 2023


  • Communicable disease
  • Healthcare
  • Multidrug resistant tuberculosis
  • Patients perspective
  • Tuberculosis


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