Patency of conduits in patients who received internal mammary artery, radial artery and saphenous vein grafts

Alistair Royse, William Pamment, Zulfayandi Pawanis, Sandy Clarke-Errey, David Eccleston, Andrew Ajani, William Wilson, David Canty, Colin Royse

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

18 Citations (Scopus)


Background: Where each patient has all three conduits of internal mammary artery (IMA), saphenous vein graft (SVG) and radial artery (RA), most confounders affecting comparison between conduits can be mitigated. Additionally, since SVG progressively fails over time, restricting patient angiography to the late period only can mitigate against early SVG patency that may have occluded in the late period. Methods: Research protocol driven conventional angiography was performed for patients with at least one of each conduit of IMA, RA and SVG and a minimum of 7 years postoperative. The primary analysis was perfect patency and secondary analysis was overall patency including angiographic evidence of conduit lumen irregularity from conduit atheroma. Multivariable generalized linear mixed model (GLMM) was used. Patency excluded occluded or "string sign" conduits. Perfect patency was present in patent grafts if there was no lumen irregularity. Results: Fifty patients underwent coronary angiography at overall duration postoperative 13.1 ± 2.9, and age 74.3 ± 7.0 years. Of 196 anastomoses, IMA 62, RA 77 and SVG 57. Most IMA were to the left anterior descending territory and most RA and SVG were to the circumflex and right coronary territories. Perfect patency RA 92.2% was not different to IMA 96.8%, P = 0.309; and both were significantly better than SVG 17.5%, P < 0.001. Patency RA 93.5% was also not different to IMA 96.8%, P = 0.169, and both arterial conduits were significantly higher than SVG 82.5%, P = 0.029. Grafting according to coronary territory was not significant for perfect patency, P = 0.997 and patency P = 0.289. Coronary stenosis predicted perfect patency for RA only, P = 0.030 and for patency, RA, P = 0.007, and SVG, P = 0.032. When both arterial conduits were combined, perfect patency, P < 0.001, and patency, P = 0.017, were superior to SVG. Conclusions: All but one patent internal mammary artery or radial artery grafts had perfect patency and had superior perfect patency and overall patency compared to saphenous vein grafts.

Original languageEnglish
Article number148
JournalBMC Cardiovascular Disorders
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 24 Mar 2020


  • (Max 10) patency
  • Arterial
  • Internal mammary artery
  • Radial artery
  • Saphenous vein


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