Parents’ knowledge, attitude and behaviour toward cleft lips and cleft palate in Kencana Hospital, Serang, Banten

Daniel Ardian Soeselo, Alexandria Stephanie Suparman, Agus Santoso Budi

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

3 Citations (Scopus)


Introduction: Cleft lips (CL) and cleft palate (CP) are common congenital diseases caused by gene mutation in embriology development of the lips and mouth at 4 weeks of gestation. CL and CP can cause several problems such as difficulty in eating, speaking, abnormality in teeth and mouth development and ear iritation. Adequate treatment is needed to improve patients’ quality of life. Material and Method: This cross sectional study take samples purposively from all parents who joined in cleft charity surgery in Kencana Hospital, Serang, Banten on October 24th 2018. This study identify parents’ knowledge, attitude and behaviour towards CL and CP and analyzed the relationship of parents’ knowledge and attitude towards CL and CP. Statistical analysis used in this study is Fisher method. Result: Ten patients undergo labioplasty surgery, 1 patient undergo labioplasty revision, 5 patients undergo palatoplasty surgery and 10 patients undergo labioandpalatoplasty surgery. The majority of parents’ education background have income < 3,5 million a month 84.6% (22 people), do not have any social insurance 88.5% (23 people) and joined in because of they cannot pay for medical treatment 96,2% (25 people). 6.2% (25 people) have under knowledge, 69.2% (18 people) have good attitude and 84.6% (22 people) have good behaviour toward CL and CP. There is no significant relationship between parents’ knowledge and attitude toward CL and CP P value ¼ 1,00 (P > 0,05). Discussion: Parent’s under knowledge is caused by their low educational background and inaccurate information and education provided by medical professional. But, they had a good attitude and behaviour toward CL and CP because they had initiative to look for medical help and treat their children same as other normal one. Although they received inaccurate information and education about cleft disease, all parents looked for medical help and did what they were told by medical professionals. Conclusion: The majority of parents in this study have under knowledge about cleft lips and cleft palate but they are still looking for medical help to treat their children. This charity significantly helps parents whose children have cleft lips, with or without cleft palate, to get treated in that area.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1105-1108
Number of pages4
JournalJournal of Craniofacial Surgery
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 2019


  • Birth defect
  • Cleft lips
  • Cleft lips and palate
  • Cleft palate
  • Congenital diseases
  • Indonesia


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