Osteogenic potential of bovine cortical bone membrane after implantation in rat’s calvaria critical-sized defects

Adi Rizal Soleh, David B. Kamadjaja, Nugroho Setyawan, Ni Putu Mira Sumartha

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


– Guided bone regeneration (GBR) for alveolar bone augmentation commonly uses collagen membrane made from bovine pericardium membrane (BPCM). However, it has been associated with prolonged biodegradation. Demineralized freeze dried bovine cortical bone membrane (DFDBCBM) is a newly developed membrane that has been proven biocompatible. Yet, its osteogenic induction potential needs to be revealed. This study evaluated osteoinductive potential of DFDBCBM compared with BPCM after application in rat’s calvaria defect. Thirty rat used as samples were divided into 3 groups; 2 experimentals (DFDBCBM and BPCM) and 1 control group (without membrane). Fifteen samples were sacrificed after 14 and 28 days after implantation from each group for analysis of the amount of osteoblast and expression of collagen type-I and alkaline-phosphatase. Osteoblasts were stained with Haematoxylin-Eosin and counted with microscope. Collagen type-I and alkaline phosphatase expression were analysed with immunohistochemistry method. There were significant difference in the amount of osteoblast, and expression of collagen type-I and alkaline phosphatase between both experimental groups and control groups. DFDBCBM showed higher amount of all parameters observed compared to BPCM, although, not statistically different. Bovine cortical bone membrane has osteoinductive properties, therefore is potential to be used as GBR membrane.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)S107-S112
JournalAsian Journal of Microbiology, Biotechnology and Environmental Sciences
Issue numberDecember
Publication statusPublished - 2018


  • Alkaline phosphatase
  • Collagen type-I
  • Demineralized Freeze Dried Bovine Cortical Bone Membrane
  • Guided Bone Regeneration


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