Oral Lichen Planus erosive type: A case report in Indonesian male patient

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1 Citation (Scopus)


Oral Lichen Planus (OLP) is an autoimmune disorder with unknown etiology that affects the oral mucous. OLP erosive form considered as precancerous lesion. The diagnosis made by clinical features and biopsy to exclude dysplasia and malignancy. The aim of this study to know a case of OLP erosive in male patient and to discuss the main aspects of this disease. 47 years old male Javanese patient came with chief complaint of presisten ulcer since 1 year ago. Patient had a history of drug and food allergic reaction, hypertension (170/100 mmHg), and Diabetes Mellitus (HbA1C > 7). Patient often smoke (±24 cigarret daily) and alcoholic since young. Patient sometimes fatigue and stress. Intra Oral (IO) examination showed a white papular lesion, unscrapable, rough, firm, multiple, measuring ± 1 x 2 cm surrounded by painful erosion with erythematous area, irregular and diffuse, bilateral on buccal mucosa dextra and sinistra. Patient treated with antiseptic oral rinse, topical and systemic corticosteroid. Patient reffered to Patologist Anatomy to get a scrapping test. Patient came for control showing the healing process. Patient showed an improvement after treatment. OLP erosive form is a precancerous lesion that possible transform to malignancy. Early detection and treatment is necessary.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)380-383
Number of pages4
JournalJournal of International Dental and Medical Research
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 2017


  • Autoimunne
  • Early detection
  • Oral Lichen Planus
  • Precancerous lesion


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