On the r-dynamic chromatic number of the corronation by complete graph

Arika Indah Kristiana, M. Imam Utoyo, D. Dafik

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17 Citations (Scopus)


In this paper we will study the r-dynamic chromatic number of the coronation by complete graph. A proper k-coloring of graph G such that the neighbors of any vertex v receive at least min{r; d(v)} different colors. The r-dynamic chromatic number, xr(G) is the minimum k such that graph G has an r-dynamic k-coloring. We will obtain lower bound of the r-dynamic chromatic number of χr(Kn ⊙H), and χr(H ⊙Km) We also study the exact value of the r-dynamic chromatic number of χr(Kn ⊙Sm); χr(Kn ⊙Fm); χr(Sn ⊙Km); χr(Fn ⊙Km) and χr(Kn ⊙Km) for m; n ≤ 3.

Original languageEnglish
Article number012033
JournalJournal of Physics: Conference Series
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 27 Apr 2018
Event1st International Conference of Combinatorics, Graph Theory, and Network Topology, ICCGANT 2017 - Jember, East Java, Indonesia
Duration: 25 Nov 201726 Nov 2017


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