
Background and Objective. A normal variant of the oral cavity in humans, especially when aging, indicates how the body adapts to the environment, a lifestyle, and irritation. This study aimed to examine the distribution of normal variants among elderly patients who visited Airlangga University Dental Hospital. Method. This was a descriptive observational design study. Examination of oral soft tissue was performed on elderly dental patients who came to the hospital from January to December 2019. Results. Sixty-eight (68) elderly patients, 60 years of age and over, 35 males and 33 females. The study identified 138 normal oral variations of soft tissues and oral structures. The three highest distributions obtained were coated tongue, lingual varicosities, and fissured tongue. Conclusion. The normal variants of oral mucosa and oral structure in the elderly resulted from how the body adapted to the environment and the awareness of the systemic disease that might occur.

Original languageEnglish
JournalActa Medica Philippina
Issue number8
Publication statusPublished - Nov 2021


  • Elderly patients
  • Normal variant
  • Oral hygiene


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