Nanosecond pulsed laser generation with bismuth (III) tellurite saturable absorber

R. Z.R.R. Rosdin, A. A.A. Jafry, S. W. Harun, N. F. Zulkipli, Z. Jusoh, M. Yasin

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

3 Citations (Scopus)


We demonstrated nanosecond pulsed fiber laser operating at 1563 nm by using a newly developed Bismuth (III) Telluride (Bi2Te3) based saturable absorber (SA). The SA was obtained by embedding Bi2Te3 material into polyvinyl Alcohol (PVA) film. By incorporating the SA into a 209 m long cavity Erbium-doped fiber laser (EDFL), a stable nanosecond pulses were generated. It operated at repetition rate of 1.8 MHz with a pulse width of 193 ns and a signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of 58 dB. The newly developed Bi2Te3 SA has a potential to be further enhanced towards better generation of ultrashort pulse fiber lasers.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)209-214
Number of pages6
JournalChalcogenide Letters
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - 2019


  • Bi2Te3
  • Bismuth (III) Telluride
  • Nanosecond pulses
  • Passive saturable absorber


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