Morphological and Molecular Identification of Saurida spp. (Teleostei: Synodontidae) from Saudi Arabia and Indonesia

Muhammad Browijoyo Santanumurti, Suciyono, Mohamed Ahmed Abu El-Regal

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Saurida is a unique fishery commodity because it is difficult to differentiate visually. They can be only effectively conserved once accurately identified. This study aimed to determine the morphology and molecular characteristics of Saurida spp. from Banyuwangi (Indonesia) and Jizan (Saudi Arabia). Meristic and morphometric analysis was performed for morphological identification, whereas COI gene analysis was performed for molecular identification. Morphological analysis was performed to identify Saurida in this study, such as S. tumbil (Jizan, Saudi Arabia) and S. micropectoralis (Banyuwangi, Indonesia). S. tumbil did not have dark brown spots on the lateral line and upper caudal fin, whereas S. micropectoralis had 6–9 spots on those parts. S. tumbil also had a larger body size, white intestines, and more dorsal fin spines, and its pectoral fin could reach the pelvic fin. This was different with S. micropectoralis, which had a smaller body size, black intestines, and fewer dorsal fin spines, and its pectoral fin was far from the pelvic fin. Molecular identification showed 100% of S. tumbil for the sample from Jizan and 99.84% S. micropectoralis for the sample from Banyu-wangi. Morphological and molecular characteristics can be combined for Saurida identification to avoid misidentification for future studies.

Original languageEnglish
Article number1
Pages (from-to)276-286
Number of pages11
JournalMakara Journal of Science
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2024


  • Javanese Sea
  • molecular
  • morphology
  • Red Sea
  • Saurida


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