Molecular detection and morphological varied of Blastocystis sp in beef cattle in Siak Sri Indrapura Riau Indonesia

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The study was conducted to detect molecularly and to analyze morphology of Blastocystis in beef cattle in Siak Sri Indrapura Riau Indonesia. Fresh faeces were collected from 100 beef cattle in Siak Sri Indrapura Riau Indonesia, and detected by microscopy, culture and Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) methods. The morphology of Blastocystis sp from both fresh faeces and culture were observed under light microscope and measured in diameter. Molecular detection was used to ensure that the organism is Blastocystis. Genomic DNA of 10 of positive samples were extracted to run PCR with primer specific b11400 FORC and b11710 REVC. PCR products were approximately 310 bp. The result showed that all of 100 samples from both fresh stool and culture were 100% positive with Blastocystis sp. molecularly, 10 of positive samples were all infected by Blastocystis sp. The morphology of Blastocystis sp in beef cattle were vacuolar, granular and cyst cell with varied diameter, 2.78 – 35.35 µm (everage 14.76 µm). Size of Blastocystis sp which was detected in fresh faeces was bigger than size in culture and the vacuolar form was the most common cell form. In conclusion, the prevalence of Blastocystis sp infection in bali cattle in Siak Sri Indrapura Riau Indonesia was 100%. The morphology of Blastocystis sp in beef cattle were varies in shape and size. It was considered potential for zoonotic transmission.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)S209-S212
JournalEcology, Environment and Conservation
Publication statusPublished - Apr 2020


  • Beef cattle
  • Blastocystis sp.
  • Siak Sri Indrapura Riau Indonesia
  • Zoonotic


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