Mode-locked operation in thulium-holmium doped fiber laser based on Cr2AlC MAX phase SA coated arc-shaped fiber

Harith Ahmad, Maryam Jasmine Mohd Makhfuz, Norazriena Yusoff, Neshat Sadafi, Muhamad Zharif Samion, M. Yasin

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

1 Citation (Scopus)


This study presents the application of MAX phase material as a mode-locker in the thulium-holmium-doped fiber laser (THDFL) cavity in generating ultrashort pulses. MAX phase materials were rapidly developed for applications in the pulsed laser field due to their promising properties and characteristics, such as strong nonlinear absorption, high damage tolerance, and good thermal and electrical conductivities. Chromium Aluminum Carbide (Cr2AlC) MAX phase sample was explicitly introduced into the cavity by drop-casting the Cr2AlC onto the fabricated arc-shaped fiber. As a result, an ultrafast mode-locking laser system was achieved utilizing a Cr2AlC saturable absorber (SA) at a pump power of 115.8 mW, having a central wavelength of 1908.58 nm. The spectral bandwidth obtained was 3 nm, and a measured pulse repetition rate and pulse width of 12.14 MHz and 1.3 ps, respectively. The results indicate that Cr2AlC SA is a promising material to be used as a passive SA to initiate the mode-locking generation of fiber laser in the 1.9 μm band.

Original languageEnglish
Article number228
JournalOptical and Quantum Electronics
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - Mar 2023


  • Arc-shaped fiber
  • Chromium aluminum carbide
  • Fiber laser
  • MAX phase
  • Mode-locked laser


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