
Pregnant women who are obese have an increased risk for complications, both for themselves and their babies during pregnancy and childbirth. This study aimed to determine the outcome of obesity in pregnancy in 2017. This was an analytical cross-sectional, observational study of pregnant women with obesity in Dr. Soetomo General Hospital, Surabaya within the period of January 1st - December 31st, 2017 using medical records. In a total of 162 subjects, the main age group was 2 1 - 34 years old (56.8%). The majority of education level was undergraduate (90.7%), and 58% of the subjects were workers. Most of obese mothers had preeclampsia (56.1%). Based on mode of delivery, 128 patients (79%) delivered by caesarean section or instrumental vaginal delivery. The neonatal outcomes with macrosomia were 4 infants (14.3%), 2 infants (5.5%), 1 infant (1%), in grade III, grade II, and grade I, respectively. There were 22 infants (61.1%) in grade II with low Apgar score. The neonatal outcomes with preterm were 44 infants (44.9%), 12 infants (33.3%), 13 infants (46.4%), in grade I, grade II, and grade III, respectively. Most complications in obese mothers were preeclampsia, caesarean section delivery, and neonatal outcomes with macrosomia, low Apgar score, and preterm birth.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)695-698
Number of pages4
JournalSystematic Reviews in Pharmacy
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - Apr 2020


  • Complication
  • Maternal and perinatal outcome
  • Maternal obesity


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