Management of non-vital teeth discoloration with the internal bleaching: A case report

Dewi Fitria Anugrahati, Rizky Ernawati, Windi Irsya, Yulianti Kartini Sumur, Sukaton, Kun Ismiyatin

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

2 Citations (Scopus)


Tooth discoloration due to intra coronal bleeding after trauma can cause aesthetic disturbances and appearance. Internal bleaching is a non-invasive method to restore tooth color which is performed after endodontic treatment by placing a strong oxidizing agent in the pulp chamber. Aim of this study was to report the success of internal bleaching procedure to restore discolored teeth due to trauma. A 44-year-old female came to Conservative Dentistry Universitas Airlangga with chief complaint of the upper right insisor tooth looks darker than the adjacent teeth. The patient had fallen 10 years ago from her motorcycle and her tooth had been painful and then the pain disappeared. In intra oral clinical examination, it showed that tooth 11 had discoloured, vitality test of tooth 11 showed no response to electric pulp test. Radiographic view showed that radiolucen in periapical area and no fracture was found. At the first visit, treatment of single visit root canal using rotary instrument and gave dressing calcium hydroxide. A week later on the second visit, internal bleaching with hydrogen peroxide 35% was done. After bleaching, calcium hydroxide was applied to neutralize the oxidizing agent and then re-evaluated for the color. At the third visit, it showed that the tooth colour was obtain as desire from C3 to A3 (Vitapan Classical). The internal bleaching procedure on the traumatized tooth was the best option to restore the function and aesthetics according to the original tooth colour and also provided benefits in terms of saving time, lower price, and maximum results.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1072-1076
Number of pages5
JournalIndian Journal of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2021


  • Discoloration
  • Internal bleaching
  • Non-vital teeth


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