Makna Nama "Surabaya"

Translated title of the contribution: The meaning of "Surabaya"

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Artikel ini membahas etimologi nama "Surabaya". Pemaknaan atas kata "Surabaya" selama ini didasarkan kepada mitos tentang perkelahian antara ikan sura dan buaya. Akan tetapi, tulisan ini coba melacak sumber paling awal yang menyebut nama Surabaya, yakni Prasasti Canggu dan teks kakawin Deśawarṇana. Keduanya berasal dari era pemerintahan Hayam Wuruk di pertengahan abad ke-14. Sebenarnya, tidak ada sumber sezaman yang menjelaskan arti harafiah nama kota ini (bahkan penulisan di kedua teks sangat berbeda serta berimbas kepada perbedaan makna). Walaupun demikian, setidaknya sejak abad ke-19, kata Surabaya diasosiasikan dengan makna "berani menghadapi bahaya". Kiranya pengertian itu merupakan jejak kata śūrabhaya yang tertulis pada prasasti Canggu, "śūra" berarti 'berani', dan "bhaya" berarti 'bahaya/halangan'.

This article discusses the etymology of the name "Surabaya". The meaning of the word "Surabaya" has been based on the myth about the fight between sura fish and crocodiles. However, this article tries to trace the earliest sources that mention the name Surabaya, i.e. the inscription of Canggu (Trawulan I) and the text of Prapañca's kakawin, Deśawarṇana. Both originate from the era of Hayam Wuruk's reign in the mid-14th century. In fact, there are no contemporary sources that explain the literal meaning of this city's name (in fact, the writing in the two texts is very different and results in differences in meaning). However, at least since the 19th century, the word Surabaya has been associated with the meaning of "berani menghadapi bahaya" (dare to face danger). Presumably this understanding is a trace of the word śūrabhaya written in the Canggu inscription, "śūra" means 'brave', and "bhaya" means 'danger/obstacle'.
Translated title of the contributionThe meaning of "Surabaya"
Original languageIndonesian
Title of host publicationEnsiklopedia Sejarah dan Budaya Surabaya
EditorsPurnawan Basundoro, Kukuh Yudha Karnanta
Place of PublicationSurabaya
PublisherDinas Perpustakaan dan Kearsipan Kota Surabaya
ISBN (Print)978-623-09-1007-4
Publication statusPublished - 2022


  • Surabaya
  • etymology
  • toponimy
  • old javanese
  • Majapahit


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