Macronutrient intake of 6-11 months old infant on mothers obtaining moringa leaves and iron supplements

Sumiaty, Abdullah Tahir, Bahar Burhanuddin, Jafar Nurhaedar, Hadju Veni, Syafar Muhammad, Masyita Muis, Sri Sumarmi

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The study aimed to investigate the 6-11 months old infants’ macronutrients intake on mothers obtaining moringa leaves and iron supplements. Method:This experimental study complemented by kohort study was done in Jeneponto District in 2018 in which the samples were 6-11 months old infant. The research subject was 308 pregnant mothers categorized into 3 groups consisting of group which obtained moringa leaves powder (MLP, n= 103), group which obtained moringa leaves extract (MLE, n=94) and group which obtained irons/folate (IFA, n=111). The data obtained were then analyzed using one way Anova and Kruskall Wallis to test the difference. Results: The research found that different carbohydrate intake was found to be in the 10th and 11th month, while in the 7th, 8th and 9th month, there was no different carbohydrate intake between the three intervention groups (p>0.005). Furthermore, based on the statistical test, different protein intake (p <0.05) was also found in 10th and 11th month, while in 7th, 8th and 9th, there was no different protein intake between the three groups(ρ>0.05). Meanwhile, regarding the fat intake, there was no difference in such between the three intervention groups in 7 to 10th month (ρ<0.05), while in the 11th group, there was different fat intake (ρ>0.05). Conclusion: Different carbohydrate and protein intake was found in the 10th and 11th month, while different fat intake was found in the 11th month only between the three intervention groups. As they get older, there was increased macronutrient intake on MLP and MLE groups, however such thing does not happen in IFA group since there was decreased intake in the 11th month which did not meet the need. Thus, it is suggested that future researcher will give supplement intervention on 6-11 months old baby.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)907-913
Number of pages7
JournalMedico-Legal Update
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jul 2020


  • Baby
  • Intake
  • Iron
  • Macronutrient
  • Moringa Leaves


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