LED and binaural beats sleeping mask as sleep-wake cycle regulations based on brain wave stimulation

Azisya Amalia Karimasari, Prihartini Widiyanti, Amila Sofiah, Priyanka Kusuma Wardhani, Andi Achmad Dzulfiqar, Choirul Chabib, Novia Dwi Asmaningtias

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

1 Citation (Scopus)


Depression rate has reached 17-27% in Indonesia, while about 5-10% of world population have sleep disorder. Unsurprisingly, one of the symptoms of depression is sleep disorder. Sleeping disorder could be treated by sleeping mask. The material of sleeping Mask is PLA (polylactic acid) in 3D printing. There is Arduino Uno as microcontroller to control alarm for sleep-wake cycle. Device works until the first 30 minutes for blue LED and delta binaural beats and the last 30 minutes for yellow LED and gamma binaural beats.. Blue LED and delta wave of binaural beats can stimulate the delta brainwave which related with deep sleep. While yellow LED and gamma binaural beats could stimulate the gamma brain waves and trigger awakening. This research employs causal quantitative method with experimental primary data collection. Additionally, there are two tests in this research, namely sleep and awakening test. A delta wave stimulation is shown in lead C3-C4 during the sleep test. Stimulated delta wave records 23.42 times higher rate than without stimulation. Thus, the system can actually trigger a deep sleep faster. During the awakening test, the stimulation using gamma binaural beats and yellow light shows that delta brainwave amplitude in lead C3-C4 is lower; while alpha brainwave amplitude in lead O1-O2 is higher. Thus, this system is able to stimulate alpha wave faster than without stimulation. The mask could regulate sleep-wake cycle for alarm device and enhance sleep quality.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)745-750
Number of pages6
JournalJournal of International Dental and Medical Research
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 2018


  • Amplitude
  • Brain wave
  • Depression
  • Sleep disorder
  • Stimulation


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