Intention and oral health behavior perspective of islamic traditional boarding school students based on theory of planned behavior

Taufan Bramantoro, Eris Basiroh, Titiek Berniyanti, R. Darmawan Setijanto, Wahyuning Ratih Irmalia

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9 Citations (Scopus)


Objective: To analyze the correlation of the students in an Islamic boarding school intention toward oral health behavior by means of the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) approach. Material and Methods: A cross-sectional analytic study was conducted on 153 students of an Islamic boarding school who fulfilled the criterion. Data were obtained by a questionnaire and clinical examination. Data were presented as mean and standard deviation. Results: The highest score of the variable that affects behavior recorded from both male and female respondents was Subjective Norm (57.288 ± 12.828), followed by Attitude (25.627 ± 4.144). Meanwhile, the lowest score that affects behavior was Oral Health Knowledge (3.179 ± 1.402). All study variables, according to the theory of planned behavior, such as knowledge, attitude, subjective norm, perceived behavior control, and intention had significant value to predict and assess behavior with p<0.05. Conclusion: Attitude, subjective norms, perceived behavioral control, and oral health knowledge in Private Boarding School’s Santris influence the intention to improve oral hygiene behavior.

Original languageEnglish
Article numbere4977
JournalPesquisa Brasileira em Odontopediatria e Clinica Integrada
Publication statusPublished - 2020


  • Attitudes
  • Health Behavior
  • Health Knowledge
  • Oral Health
  • Practice


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