Inflammatory response in rat’s dorsum after subcutaneous implantation of demineralized freeze dried bovine cortical bone membrane

Luluk Yulianani, David B. Kamadjaja, Nurul Maulidah, Pratiwi Soesilowati

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– Guided bone regeneration (GBR) is a surgical procedure that uses barrier membranes with or without particulate bone grafts. It is used to enhance bone growth and commonly uses collagen membrane made from bovine pericardium (BPCM). However, it has been associated with prolonged biodegradation. Therefore, development of Demineralized Freeze Dried Bovine Cortical Bone Membrane (DFDBCBM) as an alternative collagen membrane that can be used as GBR is needed. The cellularity inflammation response of DFDBCBM yet needs to be analyzed to reveal its immunogenicity. This study aims to determinate immunogenicity of DFDBCBM compared with BPCM when implanted subcutaneously. We used 30 rats as samples which were divided into 2 groups, each consist of 15 samples. Dorsum of rats were subcutaneously implanted with DFDBCBM in the first group; and the second group was implanted with BPCM. Samples were sacrificed after 2, 5, and 7 days for histology examination using Hematoxillin Eosin (HE) staining. Number of polymorphonuclear (PMN), lymphocyte and macrophages were observed under light microscope. The data was then analyzed statistically at the significance value of < 0.05. The number of PMN was significantly higher in DFDBCBM than BPCM group in day 2 and 7 after implantation. The number of lymphocyte and macrophages was not significantly different in DFDBCBM than BPCM in day 2, 5 and 7 after implantation. Both groups showed declining pattern along the observation period. Demineralized freeze dried bovine cortical bone membrane does not induce excessive cellular inflammation response, thus it is not immunogenic to be used as guided bone regeneration membrane.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)S14-S17
JournalAsian Journal of Microbiology, Biotechnology and Environmental Sciences
Issue numberDecember
Publication statusPublished - 2018


  • Demineralized freeze dried bovine cortical bone membrane
  • Guided bone membrane
  • Inflammatory response


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