Improvement of job engagement after doing team job crafting in human resource management of hospital

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Job crafting is becoming popular in term of job design in human resource management. Employees involved in crafting behaviors can change the number, methods, or form of jobs (task changes), how they consider their jobs (cognitive changes), and how they interact with people related to their work (relational boundary changes). Team job crafting is a collective process about what to craft at work and how in order to achieve mutual goals. This paper is a case study conducted at Airlangga University Teaching Hospital to know whether team job crafting may affect job engagement level. The intervention has been performed since January 2017. Job engagement level is measured using (Utrecht Work Engagement Scale) UWES questionnaire. The UWES score is measured before and after interventions and then analyzed statistically. After doing team job crafting, there are significant improvements in job engagement level. Total score of UWES in 2017 is significantly higher compared to 2016 (p<0,00; CI = 95%). All aspects of job engagement are also improved significantly. Improvement of job engagement after doing team job crafting is linear with what is expressed in much previous research. In term of task changes, the members of the team may change the way of work and work behavior that suitable not only their desire but also others. In term of cognitive changes, there is shifting on the perspective of work linkage. Every worker sees work no longer merely as an individual job, but also within a team. In relational boundaries, changes in attitude of each individual affecting the work atmosphere became more comfortable. Team job crafting is proven may increase the job engagement of staff. Further research should be made in larger scale in order to make a firm conclusion.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)207-211
Number of pages5
JournalIndian Journal of Public Health Research and Development
Issue number10
Publication statusPublished - Oct 2018


  • (s): job engagement
  • Hospital
  • Human resource management
  • Job crafting
  • Team


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