Identification of the potential of brown seaweed (phaeophyceae) as an antibacterial against the pathogenic bacterium vibrio spp

W. Isroni, W. Isroni, A. S. Bahri, A. S. Bahri

Research output: Contribution to journalConference articlepeer-review

2 Citations (Scopus)


The high density of stocking as a consequence of increased aquaculture production turns out to have another effect, namely the disruption of the fish health system. The disruption of the health is due to the limited space and the unconsumed feed. The decline in water quality is followed by a decrease in endurance, making it easier for fish to contract the disease. Various types of antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, anticoagulant, and other biological activities have been used to increase the survival of fish. Many natural ingredients can be used as antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antipyretic, anticoagulant, and other biological activities, including brown seaweed (Phaeophyceae). The study was conducted using the experimental method. Antibacterial testing followed the agar diffusion method. The results showed that there were three (3) types of brown seaweed (Phaeophyceae), which were potential as anti-bacterial against Vibrio alginolticus and Vibrio Harvey. Rosenvingea orientalis failed to show antibacterial capacity.

Original languageEnglish
Article number012014
JournalIOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 18 Jun 2020
Event1st International Conference on Sustainable Aquatic Resources, ICoSAR 2019 - Malang, Indonesia
Duration: 27 Aug 201928 Aug 2019


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