Hyaluronic acid-Chitosan / AgNPs hydrogel green synthesis from curcuma longa as antibacterial anti intraperitoneal adhesion

Prihartini Widiyanti, Djoni Izak Rudiardjo, Herry Wibowo, Aulidya Hanum

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3 Citations (Scopus)


Intraperitoneal adhesions occur 67%-97% after general abdominal and gynecologic pelvic surgery. The purpose of this study revealed the optimal concentrations in AH hydrogels, chitosan, AgNPs from C. longa biosynthesis products through FTIR, XRD, PSA, swelling, degradation, antibacterial, MTT-assay, and SEM. The synthesis method changed AH into aldehydes AH and chitosan to carboxymethyl chitosan, then freeze dry and dissolved used normal saline. After that, vortexed and AgNPs have been synthesized with aqueous turmeric solution. FTIR test results showed that the AH hydrogel and chitosan were formed-CH2COOH at 1404.18 cm-1,-C=O carbonyl group at 1612.49 cm-1, and the aldehyde group at 2887.44 cm-1. The best concentration was obtained at 10-3 M where AgNPs formed at 2θ = 38.140, (111) through the XRD test, and the average size of the PSA test was 23.6 nm. Swelling test was 209.72% and it was degraded on the 9th day by 91.56% based on the intraperitoneal adhesion preventive gene requirements. The results of antibacterial test have sensitive properties resistant to bacteria with a clear zone diameter of 10.29 mm. Meanwhile, MTT-assay test obtained toxic results due to the influence of AgNPs formed at 1.88%. Based on the tests that have been conducted, it was stated that the hydrogel AH, chitosan, AgNPs from C. longa biosynthesis products have the potential as an antibacterial agent for preventing intraperitoneal adhesion.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1204-1210
Number of pages7
JournalJournal of International Dental and Medical Research
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 2020


  • AgNPs
  • Chitosan
  • Hyaluronic acid
  • Intraperitoneal adhesion


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