How Twitter affects academic library users

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


This study aims to determine the influence of social networking Twitter library on the level of utilization of college libraries.

The method used to explore this problem is explanative as it uses the multiple linear regression test. The research location is at Universitas Airlangga Library, Surabaya, Indonesia. The sampling technique was purposive, as it used the criteria of the academic community of Airlangga University that became an active member or often visited the homepage of the library’s Twitter account at least three times in the past one month. The sample of this study was 220 respondents.

The results of this study illustrate that the satisfaction of users of social networking Twitter library which includes surveillance, diversion/entertainment, personal identity and social relationship, either partially or simultaneously, affects the utilization of the college library.

Based on these results, libraries should always provide services in accordance with the characteristics of user behavior. In the era of booming social media Twitter for teenagers who are the largest users of college libraries, the use of social networking medium Twitter is considered effective in the libraries of universities.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)13-15
JournalLibrary Hi Tech News
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 27 Jul 2018


  • Libraries
  • Academic libraries
  • Social networking
  • Twitter
  • Library services
  • College library
  • Library utilization
  • Uses and gratification


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