
Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) can cause another problem for healthcare facilities, which is nosocomial transmission. Clinicians performed nosocomial pneumonia prevention vigilantly during the COVID-19 pandemic. To date, the magnitude and risk factors for infection in healthcare environments are unknown in severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 transmission. An overwhelming number of COVID-19 infections not only could paralyze the health system but could contribute, above all, to the occasional epidemic of hospital patients and the healthcare workers, along with elevated morbidity and mortality. The COVID-19 increasing case may limit the availability of occupancy rooms in hospitals, so doctors need tools to assess the likelihood of COVID-19 at the initial examination by triage based on epidemiological risks, routine investigations and bedside observation for safe isolation. The specific challenges of COVID-19 exist because this is a new disease with clinical, radiological, and laboratory features that can be variable We review nosocomial transmission of COVID-19. The data indicate that the prevalence of hospital-acquired COVID-19 infection varies. While reports regarding nosocomial transmission or healthcare-associated COVID-19 infection are still growing, several hospitals claim there were none or minimal nosocomial transmission. Infection prevention and control techniques were initially aimed at prompt patient identification, separation and monitoring in compliance with case descriptions. Engineering controls provide proper and efficient ventilation, likely augmented by filtration of pollutants and air disinfection, air recirculation protection, and overcrowding protection. Administrative assistance to reduce the risk of nosocomial severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 is introduced with the reduction of choice healthcare services, decanting centers, deployment of isolation facilities, appropriate personal security facilities, coordination of the rapid molecular diagnostic laboratory network, constructive monitoring, and organization of the personnel forum and training. These principal strategies can suppress intra-hospital transmission of COVID-19 if strictly implemented during a pandemic era.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)29-36
Number of pages8
JournalNew Armenian Medical Journal
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 2020


  • Healthcare associated COVID-19
  • Healthcare workers
  • Intra-hospital transmission
  • Nosocomial COVID-19


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