Growth factors of hypoxia freeze-dried adipose stem cell-conditioned medium (FD ASC-CM) and fresh adipose stem cell conditioned-medium (FR ASC-CM): A comparative study

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1 Citation (Scopus)


Background: Adipose Stem Cells (ASC) are multipotent stem cells which mechanism of action is mainly secretion of various paracrine molecules known as secretome or conditioned medium (CM). Adipose Stem Cell-Conditioned Medium (ASC-CM) collects several soluble factors, such as cytokines, chemokines, and Growth Factors (GF) secreted by almost all types of living cells in the extracellular space. The freeze-dried (FD) form of ASC-CM can reduce the instability of the fresh (FR) form of ASCCM. This study aims to compare the GF levels between FD ASC-CM and FR ASC-CM as a comparative study. Methods: ASC-CM was prepared from human adipose tissue. After we got the FR ASC-CM, some of them were changed into an FD form. We measured the several GF levels using ELISA methods in ng/L. Data were presented in mean and standard deviation as well as analyzed using SPSS version 25 for Windows. Results: The average levels of EGF in both FD ASC-CM and FR ASC-CM were 256.80±9.70 ng/L and 290.20±53.20 ng/L, followed by TGF-β (564.20±12.70 ng/L and 633.10±11.40 ng/L), PDGF (2.90±0.19 ng/L and 2.90±0.20 ng/L), and VEGF (711.10±21.70 ng/L and 788.70±204.80 ng/L) respectively. There was a statistically significant difference in TGF-β levels between FD ASC-CM and FR ASC-CM (p=0.002). However, there was no a significant difference in EGF, PDGF, and VEGF levels between FD ASC-CM and FR ASC-CM (p>0.05) Conclusion: There was a statistically significant difference between FD and FR ASC-CM only in TGF-β levels.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)683-687
Number of pages5
JournalBali Medical Journal
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - Aug 2021


  • ASC-CM
  • Freeze-Dried
  • Fresh
  • Growth Factors


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