Fibrin glue (FG) attenuates fibrosis on human tenon's fibroblasts (HTFS) of glaucomatous eyes: Comparison with mitomycin C

Yuyun Rindiastuti, Evelyn Komaratih, Helen Susilowati, Hendrian D. Soebagyo, Fedik A. Rantam

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

3 Citations (Scopus)


Human tenon's fibroblasts (HTFs) are major cells that contribute to the fibrotic response that usually occurs after trabeculectomy. The activation of HTFs into myofibroblast contributes to the disturbance of the extracellular matrix (ECM) remodeling. Excessive ECM deposition, mainly collagen type I, with cell contraction is the major hallmark of bleb fibrosis. HTFs were isolated from the tenon's tissue of a glaucomatous patient. HTFs were divided into 3 groups which consisted of FBS 2% control group, MMC and FG treated group. This study investigated the effects of FG on cell viability, cell migration, cell contractility, collagen synthesis and degradation in HTFs. Cell viability was determined by MTT-assay, while collagen synthesis and degradation were determined by Sirius red binding assay. Cell migration was carried out by in vitro scratch assay, and cell contractility was analyzed by fibroblast populated-collagen gel assay. The differences in cell viability, cell contractility, collagen synthesis and degradation among the various groups were analyzed using One-way ANOVA or Kruskal Wallis test, followed by a posthoc test with 95% confidence interval (p<0.05). FG significantly decreased collagen synthesis (31.31±2.91ug/mL) in line with the induction of collagen degradation (85.50±3.16ug/mL) in HTFs when compared to FBS 2% control. While FG inhibits cell contraction while maintaining cell viability in HTFs, MMC provides a better antifibrotic effect in HTFs. FG may inhibit fibrosis formation of HTFs by inhibiting collagen synthesis and cell contraction while inducing collagen degradation. FG might have an antifibrotic effect on HTFs through extracellular matrix remodeling.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)4713-4720
Number of pages8
JournalBiochemical and Cellular Archives
Publication statusPublished - 1 Dec 2019


  • Fibrin glue
  • Fibrosis
  • Mitomycin C
  • Tenon's fibroblast


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