
Amelogenesis is driven by a number of exceedingly complicated elements, components, and processes. Each component, such as the Amelogenin protein and the proteinase MMP-20, performs critical and strategic functions. Fluoride exposure at particular doses and durations changes the amount of ameloblast cells necessary for the process of amelogenesis. The results of this study showed that sodium fluoride induction accelerated the breakdown of fragments into smaller Amelogenin proteins, decreased the function of caspase-3 in the drawn-out process of apoptosis, and increased the involvement of MMP-20 and Calmodulin-28kDa in the process of protein degradation. The spacing between ameloblast cells and their density would stay the same because there was no substantial cell dying mechanism. However, the matrix of the tooth enamel exposed to fluoride would become denser. The scientists found that causing sodium fluoride in fluoride-exposed teeth could maintain ameloblast cell viability and enhance dental amelogenesis.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1098-1103
Number of pages6
JournalJournal of International Dental and Medical Research
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 2023


  • Amelogenesis/Sodium Fluoride
  • Amelogenin
  • Caspase-3
  • MMP-20
  • calmodulin-28kDa


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