Evaluation of gouramy fish (Osphronemus goramy) hatchery in Pandaan Aquaculture Installation, Pasuruan

E. B. Indarmastuti, W. M. Renta, N. Ratnawati, S. H. Samara

Research output: Contribution to journalConference articlepeer-review


Gourami fish is well-known among the public due to its economical impact, good tastes, and easy to cultivate. This study aimed to determine the performance of gourami hatcheries at the Pandaan Aquaculture Installation. The method in this research used active participation and descriptive methods. The data collection method used was from primary and secondary data. The evaluation results showed that hatchery activity there produced a fertilization rate of 97.6%, hatching rate of 95.3%, survival rate of 91.3%, and specific growth rate of 7.85%. Water quality in hatchery activities also met standards. Gouramy hatchery activities included pond preparation, broodstock preparation, brood spawning, egg harvesting, egg hatching, larval and seed rearing, nursery, water quality monitoring, feed management, and pest and disease management. It can be concluded that hatchery activity at Pandaan Aquaculture Installation shows good performance.

Original languageEnglish
Article number012013
JournalIOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2024
Event6th International Conference on Fisheries and Marine Science, InCoFiMS 2023 - Virtual, Online, Indonesia
Duration: 30 Oct 202330 Oct 2023


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