Endoscopic Dilatation with Ultrathin Endoscope Assisted Method for Esophageal and Pyloric Stricture related Corrosive Injury: 4 Years Case Series Study

Rusdiyana Ekawati, Nurike Setyari Mudjari, Arianti, Annisa Z. Mufida, Budi Widodo, Titong Sugihartono, Herry Purbayu

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Corrosive injuries (CI) become medical problems related complications include esophageal, pyloric stricture and squamous cell carcinoma, physical and quality of life. Endoscopic (ED) dilatation is primary therapy. The ultrathin endoscope-assisted method is potentially safe and useful in avoiding technical failure. Describe clinical outcomes of ED ED-related CI including successful, refractory, recurrent, and complicationsrelated procedures. Case series study of esophageal and/or pyloric stricture patients after CI who underwent dilatation at Soetomo General Hospital (July 2018 – July 2022). One – biweekly ED using Through The Scope (TTS) balloon or Savary Bougie dilator. The target diameter is 14mm. Fifteen patients with stricture-related CI. Eleven patients underwent ED with a total of 73 procedures. Mean age 31,45 years, predominantly male patients (6), suicide attempt (7), acid agent (9), located at esophagus (3), pylorus (3), or both (5). Number of esophageal dilatation to achieve the target of 14 mm was 1-2 and 2-15 procedures for simple and complex stricture. Five esophageal strictures were successfully dilated but 2 patients were recurrent and 3 cases were refractory to ED. Pyloric dilatation resulted in a lower success rate. Recurrent and refractory cases were 5 and 3 patients respectively. ED with ultrathin endoscope method is useful for traversing guidewire during ED. Ongoing inflammation and fibrosis were linked to recurrent and refractory stricture.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)84-92
Number of pages9
JournalActa medica Indonesiana
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2024


  • Corrosive injury
  • dilatation
  • esophageal
  • pyloric stricture


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