Electrochemical degradation of methanyl yellow using carbon/ZnO electrode

H. Darmokoesoemo, M. R. Habibulah, M. Harsini, H. S. Kusuma

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

1 Citation (Scopus)


Degradation of methanyl yellowdye by using a voltage source potential and certain current is passed through carbon/ZnO electrodes as anode and silver electrodes as cathode has been developed in this research. Degradation with variation of potential, pH, and time is performed into solution of methanyl yellowcontaining electrolytes support NaCl 0.1 M. Results of this analysis obtained optimum conditions of pH 1 and potential 12 V at degradation time for 15 minutes. In the voltammetryECE reaction occurs on the surface of the electrode, which is irreversible electron transfer, followed by a irreversible chemical reaction. This method can reduce the COD value up to 75.045% and 94.060%degrade methanyl yellowsolution at 25 ppm during 30 minutes. The degradation process in this study follows the first order reaction kinetics. The result of analysis show that methanyl yellowis degraded and produce CO2.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)2731-2738
Number of pages8
JournalJournal of Materials and Environmental Science
Issue number8
Publication statusPublished - 2016


  • Carbon/ZnO electrodes
  • Electrochemical degradation
  • Methanyl yellow
  • Silver electrodes


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